I joined macro photography workshop with some of my friends. I forgot who was the trainer and I forgot all she taught to me also hahaha :') (I'm sorry) I really a bad learner, I didn't make a note for it but when I "hang out" with my camera I really enjoy it. Macro photography is pretty hard I think because need more...
Being neglected. Being forgotten. ...
Wisata tambang, itu julukan kegiatan peserta Jambore Cabang Kutai Timur kali ini. Namun, ketika menginjakkan kaki ke wisata pertama mereka tak menemukan pemandangan tambang yang gersang sedikit pun. Ratusan sapi, padang rumput dan pohon buah-buahan menyambut mereka ketika sampai di Peternakan Sapi Terpadu (PESAT) milik PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC). Siapa sangka dulunya PESAT merupakan wilayah tambang KPC yang kini dikelola sebagai program...
Before I started my thesis research I've been staying at home and didn't have too much acivities. So, I took my Fujifilm camera and took some photos from backyard and another place tho. Dragonfly on mom's orchid Adenium Obesum Macaca Fascicularis This pic I took in a forest near Aquatic beach. After minig area exploring forest area, a lot of monkeys turn to...